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How to Use TikTok To Promote FnB Business

TikTok makes it easy for new brands to be discovered

Photo by Ella Olsson from Pexels

Unique algorithms made TikTok a great platform from businesses to reach out to their potential customers. Their personalized timeline had made TikTok’s ‘For You’ page specifically designed for users with content that they need. Therefore, it’s easier for new brands to be discovered. The rise of creative food and beverage business had made it easier for customers to have the interest to try new brands. Aside from content ideas for business accounts, there are several tips to kickstart FnB business to enhance their branding :

1. Get To Know Your Customers

Similar to how TikTok affects small businesses, getting to know your customer would come in handy in order to create content that are relatable for them. Understanding customer’s behaviour would result in much more efficient marketing campaigns, with that it will drive the customer to gain more interest in the business. Furthermore, it will increase brand awareness and sales. Not only that, getting to know the customers will enhance personal engagements with them. FnB customers tend to go for the brands they already feel familiar with. Always listen to what they want to see and what they want to understand. Aside from the customers, knowing who your audiences are will also help your business to expand with TikTok. 

2. Pay Attention to Your Content

TikTok limits their user’s content to only 60 seconds per video, thus the content needs to be concise and impactful. In addition to that, as an FnB business, visuals play a huge part in convincing the customers to buy the products. In order to increase interest, your content needs to have a good representation of the brand and the product itself. Content creators need to have the skill to pay attention to their videos and should have some degree of originality when it comes to their branding. Give the content that the customers like to see. 

3. Stay Active on TikTok

Staying active on TikTok means paying attention to the growth of your audience, be clear, and use influencers. Interacting with your audience could be done using tools on TikTok other than an influencer. Sure using influencer would generate a wider audience, but replying comments on your posts would make the audience feel a lot appreciated therefore creates a strong relationship with the customer. Involving customer’s reviews and influencer is a valuable interaction to use as content since it will increase the potential customer’s curiosity for the products. Conduct researches first in order to find the best influencer that’d match your brand’s identity better. Making sure that their rate matches their audiences will be helpful as well to make sure whether or not the marketing budget you had spent is equal to the output you will receive from the campaign. 

4. Use Business Audios

There are already several viral audios in order to help FnB business in TikTok. Using Audios would increase the chances of your products appearing in more in the ‘For You’ page. In addition to that, audios would result in your content to show up among similar businesses and increase the range of your customers. TikTok Audios was created to help small businesses be discovered.

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Written By

Lyna Ana is a blogger and a freelancer.

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